
A mysterious entity has just offered to give Sorrowe magical powers in exchange for her loyalty and service. I plan to explore that part of this scene in a future excerpt.

I consider his offer. It seems too good to be true. Could I really have magical powers of my own? I play the conversation over again in my head a half dozen times before realizing that this may be what I’ve been waiting for my entire life.

Both of my sisters have it easy. Joye was born with a natural brilliance that gives her the ability to study and learn magic. Hope was born with magic in her blood. How did I end up with nothing? I deserve power like that, too! Yes, this is the answer. I step forward and bow.

“I accept.”

Ghostly tendrils burst from the floor then wrap around my hands and feet before spreading to the rest of my body. They glow bright red as the heat of the magic reaches an unbearable level. I fight back tears of pain and try to remember why I thought this was a good idea. He promised to empower me, not burn me to death!

But then I realize: this isn’t a punishment; this is a purge! He’s burning away my weakness. He’s burning away my failures. He’s wrapping me in strength, empowering me with the magic I so rightly deserve!

The burning sensation and red light fade away. Is the transformation complete already? I was actually starting to enjoy the purge. I could feel my old self dying and a new identity rising. I am no longer Sorrowe. I am Powere!

I raise my palm toward the far wall. I yell a command word, and a beam of crackling energy bursts from my hand, blasting a hole in the stone the size of a small bear — or a large brute. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when I unleash my power on them!

Joye and Hope will owe me big time. I’m finally able to do what they’ve been too weak to do for so long. With this new power, I can finally pay the cost of freedom!

To Be Continued…

Next post in this series: Break of Dawne: Excerpt #5

Previous Post in this series: Break of Dawne: Excerpt #3

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Break of Dawne: Chapter 1

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